#03 - "Punished in public"

"Judy has an admission to make to you all. When she has she will ask you to discuss what punishment you feel she deserves. I will look to carry out the punishment as agreed as soon as possible. Judy."

"This is so embarrassing but I agreed to it so that James would forgive me. He said the public humiliation would compensate for what I have put him through. I need to be punished because I allowed his boss to fuck me after the works dinner. James now has to work with his boss every day and it is made worse that the whole event was videoed."

The three couples around the table were very quiet to start with. James said he did not wish to take part in the discussion but wanted to listen to it with Judy. All six knew James and Judy very well but were stunned by the request made of them.

Paul asked what parameters they needed to work within.

"We would like you to agree between you. When you have we both have the power of veto. If I use mine she gets off with no punishment. If she uses hers I am free to decide the punishment myself."

Now there was an excited buzz. Basic questions such as should the punishment involve the six round the table, should it involve physical punishment and whether it should involve a sexual element. Jenifer was very vocal in saying she thought all three elements should be included. The three men seemed reluctant to appear too harsh while the other two women took a much harder line.

It was agreed that everyone around the table should be involved or at least witness the punishment. It was further agreed that as the offense was sexual in nature the punishment should at the least involve her being naked. It took little to persuade the men that physical punishment had to be involved.

The basics agreed specific details were far harder to agree. Would they each have a hand in the punishment, would James give the punishment or at least participate? James and Judy refused to be drawn on their opinion. Jenifer suggested that it might not be appropriate for any of the three men to be actively involved particularly as there would be a sexual element.

Judy smiled to herself as Jenifer had made it quite clear to her that Jenifer would be very keen to get into her panties. The idea had not horrified Judy as she had always been a little curious but never acted on it. Jenifer made it clear that if Judy was interested she would have to be very submissive. Remembering this sent a ripple of excitement through Judy's whole body.

Jenifer had taken the lead in discussions suggesting that straws be drawn to decide which of the three ladies would be in charge of the punishment. It was agreed and when both of the other ladies drew full-length matches from Jenifer's outstretched hand Jenifer had a huge smile on her face. As nervous as Judy was arousal was the over-riding emotion that the events caused her.

"There is no time like the present, Judy, don't you agree James?"

The reply from James was a little reluctant.

"No I suppose not."

Jenifer was now in her element.

"Go and get yourself ready Judy. I think when you come back in you should be dressed as undressing you will be a pleasure. James can I have a word with you about the equipment I need for the punishment? You guys sit back and get comfortable I intend to make things as entertaining for you as possible, as well as myself."

It was a nervous, hesitant and embarrassed looking Judy that returned five minutes later. She could barely lift her eyes from the carpet. Jenifer's eyes that she did meet, when she did, were almost scary as they were so bright and excited. Jenifer invited Judy to join her on one side of the room so that the other six could see them very clearly.

Jenifer sat on a dining chair facing the audience with Judy facing her with her back to the others. She pulled Judy forward so that she had to straddle Jenifer's knees. Leaning forward so the others could not see her mouth she said.

"I told you that you would have to be subservient when I got into your panties, didn't I? I bet those panties are at least a little moist right now. Let's show the audience whether they are or not"

Starting with both hands on the back of her knees Jenifer simply moved them up until they reached Judy's waist. This lifted the short skirt and turned it inside out.

"Lean forward from the waist and put your head on my shoulder. There that should give them a lovely view of your lovely bottom in your moist, no wet panties. We have hardly started and they are certainly nice and gooey already."

The view of the audience was further improved as Jenifer pulled hard on the front and the back of the panties at the same time. The brief panties wedged so far into her pussy and her bottom they could barely be seen. Jenifer started unbuttoning the front of the dress. She was a little surprised to see a lack of bra but it did give her a chance to caress the small boobs with the large hard nipples before slipping the dress down her arms and off.

"Trust me, it sounds like she is loving what is happening to her right now. I think it is only fair if I turn her over so that you can all see how hard her nipples are as well as how wet the front of her panties are."

Jenifer was loving the dominance she was able apply. Judy hated to admit it, even to herself, but the humiliation and embarrassment was arousing her beyond belief. She stood up turned round and sat down on her tormentors lap. Jenifer looped her legs inside Judy's knees and spread them wide. The wetness was there for all to see from across the room. Not content with that Jenifer reached round and drew a finger from her bottom to just above her clit. She was in contact with the panties throughout but they were lubricated throughout. Judy failed to suppress an excited sigh. Judy was never slow to become aroused but to be so aroused this quickly was a first. She felt capable of moving quickly to orgasm from how she now felt but had no wish to be so humiliated.

Now Jenifer's mouth was licking the hopelessly aroused Judy's ear. The first thing she said was in a whisper.

"Could you prevent me from forcing an orgasm out of you if I wished to?"

"Oh please, please you know I am so aroused."

"I will take that as you admitting that you are mine whenever I chose, if I chose to bring you submissively to an orgasm."

"Just to let you know that Judy seems to be amazingly aroused right now. I am not sure that she is feeling very punished right now. It must be time to punish her bottom don't you think?"

The audience were all aroused by the proceedings. No one suggested that she should not proceed. Having stood the embarrassed girl up Jenifer made a meal of extracting the wet panties from her pussy and bottom. She made a spectacle of running her middle finger along the hot wet gusset with a huge grin on her face. There was enough lubrication to coat her finger.

"Be good enough to clean my sticky finger. I am tempted to do it myself but I think it would be far more spectacular if you suck my finger and pretend it is the prick that fucked you."

Judy knew now, if she had ever doubted it, that Jenifer had dominated, humiliated and punished females before. She wanted to hate her for it but all it did was excite her more. Wanting to please the demanding woman, and possibly the others, she sucked the finger in and out of her mouth as if sucking a cock.

"I am now going to spank Judy's bottom. I will not spank it hard. As it will not be hard I will warm her bottom many times. To ensure that her beautiful pussy stays connected to my leg and that you get the best view I will trap her one leg and point her bottom straight towards you."

Judy was positioned, pinned and exposed with her clit trapped against Jenifer's muscular leg. She was now totally helpless. She couldn't complain given how things had panned out. She deserved punishment, the punishment would lead to being forgiven but most of all she was helplessly aroused. She didn't need to admit it but she was desperate to be spanked. If she had been asked she would have pleaded for the spanking. This reality hit her harder than anything else. Was she really a helpless submissive? Was it this that had her so close to orgasm with almost no clitoral stimulation?

If this was exciting Judy, Jenifer was every bit as wet, every bit as excited and even more looking forward to the next few minutes. Jenifer had spanked many bottoms, male and female, but the first dozen were gentler than any before. She did not want to rush things. Judy was putty in her hands. The audience was not only a wonderful addition to proceedings but also ensured total submission from the girl draped over her knee. Total submission from the girl who was now gently fucking her leg.

It could barely be called spanking as Jenifer's hand made crisp noises as it made contact. The second dozen or so were not much firmer. Jenifer was aware that the firmer she struck the firmer Judy ground her clit into her leg. Everyone, other than Jenifer, were shocked when Jenifer stopped the spanking and played with Judy's red swollen pussy. She worked the lubrication up and around the dark centre of Judy's anus. The grinding of clit on leg stopped as Judy pushed her bottom towards the circling finger.

There was no tension left in the anus as the finger's circling found the sensitive centre and disappeared by less than an inch. Each time the bottom was lifted to increase the penetration the finger was slightly withdrawn until Judy could not get her bottom higher.

"Were you this easily aroused when being fucked by James's boss, or is it that you enjoy a female touch?"

With no answer that didn't make things worse Judy kept quiet as she settled her clit back down on the wet leg. The next dozen spanks were much harder with only a second or so between them. The rhythm and severity threatened to undo Judy's resolve not to orgasm. Reading the gasping girls body perfectly Jenifer stopped the spanking with a superior laugh.

"We agreed the punishment should include a sexual element as well as physical punishment and that we would all witness it. The witnessing is all about embarrassment and humiliation. Judy has enjoyed the mild punishment and has certainly responded sexually to it. Judy I want you to very clearly explain how excited you are right now and what has caused that excitement. I will judge how truthful your explanation is. If you are very honest I will go much lighter on the remainder of your punishment. I suggest that you are very honest as this cane looks like it could brighten up your pink bottom rather nicely."

Jenifer turned Judy off her lap and stood the embarrassed girl facing the others. She pulled her back towards her so that again she straddled her legs. Judy with legs apart felt Jenifer's fingers playing lightly with her checks and between them her sensitive anus.

"I am aroused. I have been aroused since it was agreed I would be punished. I didn't know why and I still don't. Being stripped made me feel helpless and vulnerable but also not responsible for my arousal. As Jenifer showed you my arousal it was acutely embarrassing and humiliating but this only stoked my arousal further. I love how my nipples feel but showing them off to you all perked them up even more.

When the spanking started it didn't hurt it was almost like Jenifer was caressing my bottom. Rubbing my pussy on her leg was like a gentle fucking. I have never been touched by a woman but the fingering of my anus threatened to make me orgasm. I am scared of the cane, as I have never been caned. Jenifer you said if I was honest you would go lightly with me. I have been completely honest even though it is humiliating to tell everyone how aroused you have made me."

"Thank you Judy I think that was very honest. You have halved the caning to just a dozen. I will cane you twice while you are in front of each of the audience. Who would like to be close to the first two?"

The order was agreed and Judy was told to stand in front of Pam and bent at the waist with her hands on Pam's shoulders. Jenifer told Pam that she could touch or punish any part of Judy's body she could reach. Pam reached forward and slipped her hand between Judy's legs. She was so wet that Pam slid past the swollen clit and into the soaking pussy before she realized it. Judy's sigh was one of almost surrender. Hearing this Pam simply hooked her middle finger towards the front of the pussy and ensured that her palm was covering the clit.

Seeing Judy settling onto the probing hand Jenifer was in no hurry to deliver the cane. When Judy started to ride the hand Jenifer knew she had to strike to prevent an orgasm. This was not like the gentle spanking. The cane struck the middle of the target with a force that knocked all the breath out of Judy. The pain exploded along the whole line of contact. Pam felt Judy's pussy tighten round her finger and decided to work on the girls' g spot and clit while she was defenseless. Judy felt something give and she wasn't sure whether her bladder gave out or she squirted due the g spot massage.

She had no time to ponder as Jenifer brought the cane down with similar force again. It struck only two inches away from before. Judy swore loudly before sighing deeply as her g spot was caressed aggressively. Sex had always been simple for Judy you get excited and then you enjoy an orgasm. She had been extremely excited for many minutes but kept just missing out on orgasm. She needed an orgasm but if she had one what would happen then? The finger probing her g spot was hitting the spot she might not be able to influence events.

Jenifer could influence events and she knew she needed to move things on. She positioned Judy in front of each of the other four leaving James to last. Each of the four excited either her nipples or her pussy as she received two more from the cane. The cumulative effect of the canes blows left her in tears pleading to be let of the last two. No one got her as close to orgasm as Pam but they did their best to excite her.

It was a tearful defeated Judy who was presented to James. She pleaded to be let off the last two offering to do anything in return. He took his time pretending to be considering deeply. He had known straight away what would complete the punishment perfectly.

"Jenifer I would be happy to propose an option to the last two with the cane. You have taken control so I will let you make the call. Both of you need to agree the change but I am not going to say what it is unless you do."

Judy was very quick to agree without even asking what the alternative was. Jenifer looked at James who managed to indicate that she should agree the change. The glint in his eye excited Jenifer who also agreed.

"We can put the cane away but I do have here a lovely light-weight whip."

"Oh no my bottom cannot take any more punishment."

"Well if Jenifer cannot use it on your bottom where are you suggesting? I could suggest your perky nipples but no your pussy and particularly your clit are looking like they would welcome the attention. What do you think?"

"Oh no. Would you whip me hard Jenifer? I am so aroused it would hurt so badly."

"I would whip you just hard enough. Just hard enough. Now lie on your back and pull your knees back to your chest. Turn a little so that everyone can clearly see where I am going to punish you. It is so appropriate that your pussy will be punished. If you let go of your knees at any time I will start the whipping again. I will whip you for just three minutes if you hold your position."

Jenifer knelt to Judy's right and started to flick her wrist making the whip swish round in a circle just missing the target. The adjustment meant that the first few strikes were delivered with just the tip of the whip and contacted the wet centre of the pussy. It felt almost like a caress which very slowly built into full-blown strikes along the length of the wet open pussy.

It stung badly, which both frightened but also delighted Judy as the stinging instantly returned her to a state of uncontrollable arousal. The whip was landing twice a second and Jenifer made the contact vary from the anus right through to the clit. Judy's clit was bigger than James had ever seen it. It was also turning from red towards purple. James was worried at one point that blood had been drawn.

Judy was totally confused the pain was intense but it was this very pain that seemed to be propelling her towards orgasm. More confusion, she had been desperate to cum for so long, but not here lying on her back, holding her own legs wide apart being whipped by a woman in front of six others. She was embarrassed and being humiliated by a friend she had denied previously.

Jenifer was not confused. Everything was perfect, a submissive girl with a very red bottom desperate to be allowed to orgasm and an audience to play to. Not any submissive girl it was Judy. Judy who had turned her down. Judy who it appeared was aroused by the humiliation.

Jenifer stopped the whipping twice when she knew Judy was close to orgasm. She told Judy that there was just one minute of whipping to go. As previously the whipping was building Judy's confused arousal to breaking point.

"You have done so well Judy you are nearly there. Would you like me to go gently or even stop a little early?'

Judy stopped being confused.

"No, no, no hit me harder and don't you dare stop I am so close, so close."

"Ask me very nicely and very clearly what you want me to do and what you are close to, there's a good girl."

"I want you to whip my pussy hard because I am so close to orgasm. Please don't stop I need it so badly."

"Hold your breath and hold your orgasm for as long as you can. I promise you an orgasm you will never forget. Show your friends just how submissive you really are."

The whipping did not get harder but it struck her clit full on every time. She knew she could not prevent it but did everything she could to delay it as she held her breath. The orgasm did not build it struck her like a truck. No gentle waves rolling through her body. Each spasm that racked her body was like the cane striking, sharp and debilitating. She struggled to hold her breath, as the painful bliss would not relent. When she could hold her breath no longer all tension left her body.

It was only then that she realized Jenifer was now caressing the length of her pussy with her fingers. As if the last thirty seconds had not happened her body responded by peacefully building to a beautiful orgasm that had her crying with the sensualness of it. Even the finger slipping into her bottom felt beautiful. Jenifer was whispering calming almost loving words in her ear, as at last she lay spent and completely oblivious of her surroundings.

There nervous coughs before the awkward silence was broken by James clapping and congratulating Jenifer on her performance.

"Judy you have had your punishment and I therefore forgive you. Jenifer I have learned so much from watching you tonight. Show everyone how you won the drawing of the straws."

He was holding up three straws the same length with a big smile on his face.

"I think that it is you who is due to be punished for cheating. I will be very happy to administer any punishment that the group feels is appropriate. Judy and I might be happy to draw lots for the privilege punishing you. Shall we all meet here at the same time next week?"

This story was written by user Satsumabook123

Header picture by Reddit user u/Acrobaticttscoupr from r/BDSM

Fleshtag don't take responsibility for any grammatical errors in the article
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